Friday, September 26, 2014

Tea with Nana

“It was over that cup of coffee I knew they would spend their lives together. It wasn’t their romance; but, the friendship they shared.”My grandmother was finally telling me the story my parents always hid from me!

“Always remember, romance fades but friendship stays. I’ve seen time and again… Passion, lust, sparks, and butterflies – they all fade away. And when they do, you are stranded like a boat in the mid-ocean storm. It is the friendship that brings you ashore.”

“Nana, are you telling me that mom and dad weren’t attracted to each other?”

“No honey. They were attracted. They had love. But love isn’t just passion. It is a mixture of passion, care, trust, honesty and most importantly – friendship.”

“Do they have it all?”

“Yes, they very much do!”

“So, tell me what happened over that cup of coffee!

I have always been curious about how they got together! They fit together so well, but the romance is never visible.”

“The romance is in their eyes! Have you ever noticed the way they look at each other? There is an intensity which you will understand once you shall meet your man!”

“Hmmm…” have I never been observant enough?

“Oh dear! Stop getting lost in your thoughts; listen to the story.”

“Yes; yes, of course!”

“It was a beautiful afternoon, perfect for a cup of coffee and snacks. Your mom had brought a friend and 
your father home. They sat in the lawn giggling and chatting away.
I happened to be working in my room, until I heard them through the window.”

“You eavesdropped on them?” I grinned.

“I wouldn’t say that!” She cringed.

“What was that then?”

“I was observing them” she chose her words carefully.


“Oh, stop it! Do you want to hear the story or not?”

“I’m sorry Nana! Of course I want to hear the story!” I was sweet and cajoling, she just couldn’t refuse. I’ve always shared this special bond with Nana. She is a friend; a grandmother; a woman of substance and most importantly she’s really open minded, accepting, and extremely forgiving. Her eyes are filled with compassion, but her voice… it’s firm, but soothing nonetheless. No one messes with her and yet she is patient with me.

She took a sip of tea. As she savoured it, she continued “He’s a creep, he tells everyone ‘I love you’; he even said that to my cousin when they first met!”

“What?” That got me. I was confused. What was she going on about?

“That’s what I heard your mum say to her friend, about your dad.”

“So, how is that nice? She just called him a creep.”

“Yes, she did. What you didn’t notice was that, you never make fun of people you aren’t close to or whom you do not love.”

“Please explain…”

“You are so cheeky with me, but you do not behave that way with others. That cheekiness is an element of your love for me. Am I making sense to you?”

“Yes, but what about them?”

“Well she was making fun of him and he took it in good humor. In fact, he has a witty comeback to it as well! The level of comfort they shared that afternoon was enough to let me know they’d be married someday. And I’m happy they are… I wouldn’t have you otherwise.” She kissed me on my forehead.

“Do they know you were there?” I wondered

“They did find out later on. After which I had a long talk with your mum!”

“Was she in trouble?”

“I surely made her feel like it!” she snickered like a little girl.

“Who’s cheeky now?”

“Well, you’ve got it from me!” The glint in her eyes had a story of its own. She is a woman filled with 
wisdom and yet she is a young girl from within.

 I grinned to her comment, “And then?”

“I told her about love. It’s importance in life. I wanted her to know that if she loved him, she shouldn't let go. No matter what.”

“Weren't you a bit too modern for your time?”

“Are you implying that I’m old?

“Uh, may be.” I sang.

“I’m not that old! I’m just from the dinosaur era!”

“Oh, come on!” I was too old for that joke!

“I once loved a guy. I still regret letting him go.” A tear rolled down her eye. She had never opened up to me this way before.

“Are you alright Nana?” I held her in my embrace, till I knew she was fine.

“Yes, I am!” She smiled and motioned me to sit. Her voice was cheery once again.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked carefully.

“Not now darling. You’ve had a story for the day!” She quietly gestured the helpers to clear up.
Yes, we were in the lawn, where my parents were first observed.  

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