Friday, March 28, 2014

The now of the little girl.

Every time I see a glimpse of that little girl,
I wish to tell her... tell her to wait. 
Hold on! What's the hurry? 
Why the rush?
You'll grow up in no time. 
You'll be aware of the nasty world in no time!
But, you'll also lose touch with the beauty of your world. 
You'll lose your innocence. 
It will be a deal between you and the world. 
I wish you win. I really do. 
And if you do, may be the world will be different. 
May be my world will be different.

Life can be beautiful...
But, only if you allow the harsh realities to mold you instead of bury you. 
And that is a fight you must experience.
I wish you win. I really do. 
And if you do, may be you'll be a hero. 
May be your light will erase someone else's darkness. 

But while you're here, just wait. 
Be here, be now. 
The deal, the fight, the struggle will come when it's meant to.
Don't barge in, and force your way through.
Because what you have now - is to be treasured and enjoyed. 

Dear little girl, you have a long way to go,
Don't rush it, for you may regret
Cherish the now, so that in your struggles you have something pretty to hold. 
Something that will motivate you to stand your grounds,
Hold your head high and move, move swiftly and steadily 
With hope for a brighter future when you win. 
I wish you win. I really do.
And if you do, you'll have the strength to face it all.
You will be the woman of substance. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Must you Plan?

With structure there is predictability, 
With predictability, there is certainty...
But structures break, 
Just the way they are made. 
And like water trapped in a dam,
Everything flows. 
It must! Reluctantly or gracefully.
Calmly, or forcefully. 
But it must mold as per the needs of circumstances. 

Plans, Plans, Plans. I have a plan for this.I have a plan for that. I have a plan for everything. But sometimes, my plans fail. And with age, I've learned that everything cannot be planned. And that there is a rhythm to life that needs to be heard. If plans are inconsistent with the rhythm - they often fail. Hear that rhythm! It has volumes to tell you. Hear it out and trust it.

In this materialistic world, we sometimes aim to achieve things that aren't meant for us. We strive to live a life not meant for us. We push, and we push a little harder until everything is in place and there is a flow... But the minute we stop pushing, things fall... apart. All the plans you've ever made crumble. All the dreams you've ever had are not at all desirable anymore. It's seems like a halt. A painful one.

In reality, it's a start to something new. It's a wake-up call. "Hey! I'm life. Listen to me... this is what you think you wanted and needed. Turns out, you ain't too happy. Just flow with me and I'll show you what you really want and need - your true happiness" and when that call comes... follow it. Be accepting towards it. Embrace it... for if you don't, it will drag you anyways. The more resistant you are, the harder it will be to feel the happiness hitting you on your face. The welcoming you are, the more overwhelmed you will be with happiness. Each day is to look forward to, rather than dread.

If you already have a life where you are living from the heart, I'm glad you know your life's rhythm. And if you are living a life you dread, I hope you hear the wake-up call - and make the changes you need. Listen to that rhythm - it's screaming to be heard.

Plans are great tools, but they are just tools. They help you to guide your life, not to dictate how things should go. Leave some loopholes in them, and let time fill them. Because when the time is right, things arrive and circumstances arise - some good, some bad - and they will change you and your life for better or worse. That depends on how you choose to view it. With synchrodestiny working, there are things bound to happen and sometimes we stop them by intensive planning - so then, they just barge in to our lives and destroy the plans. Eventually, we just work our way through them. And if we must do that anyways, why don't we just let them in and cherish the changes?

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Taken by extremes,
I forget moderation.

I get carried away like a drop, a drop - in the ocean.

At times, I'm part of that tsunami,
Whether I like it or not.

And at other times, I'm part of the quiet waters.

Each circumstance is a reflection of me;
And yet it's not!

If I remember the key,
The doors will always be open

The circumstances shall never be my reflection again;
But instead I shall be theirs!

And all that's ever needed is... moderation
For there is nothing greater nor lesser than it.