I make it a point to see the sun rise or the sun set, often. As each day passes, the patterns created by the sun are different and yet just as beautiful. It makes me wonder what causes these variations and whether they have a hidden significance.
As we've grown up the sun has always been around, more or less - considering where you live. However, when we mention the sun we all have one reference. Its like a constant... yet it isn't. Over the years, it has changed - just like everything else. But it's essence is the same. It still provides us with the same functions it did earlier... if not more now, due to our technological advances. Isn't it the same for us? Don't we change every second? Every time we have an "aha" moment, or every time we experience something... it changes us, forever. We never go back to being the same person we were, and yet we still carry the essence since we were children. This is applicable for those who also believe in past lives, we can never go back to being the people we were earlier, but instead we carry them within ourselves.
A lot of times, whether we are conscious or not... emotions and feelings that we've experienced because of the changes are also carried on within us. They may be pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, but their impact continues unless we accept them. Today was a rainy day, the sun had an unconventional sunrise - for me, it was equally charming - but it did affect the initial radiance of the sun! As the sun rose to the challenge, the day became brighter and brighter. And, must I say... not all days are bright. Just like us, the sun has its days. But at the end of it, it stays the same despite changing so much! Hence in the long term, acceptance allows us to rise to the challenges and move on with greater strength.
Once again, you've hit home for me.
ReplyDeleteThe last two days have been quite testing for me. With power outages, and computer glitches, with emotionally roller coasters and final notices. Things we're far from peachy. But one read of your post, and I already feel better. I know deep down that, yes, "this too shall pass" but I also agree that letting it all out in the moment is the best therapy.
I am guilty of bottling up my emotions because I feel like it'll burden others with my problems if I share them. But I see now that there are constructive ways to let out your feelings and frustrations.
I will indeed try this new mantra of yours, as well as seeing more sunrises and sunsets :) and hope that tomorrow will bring more light with it. As they say, tomorrow is a new day, and can be a better day.
Sometimes we get caught up in the smaller frame of life and fail to notice the bigger picture. I do that a lot as well, but then I love the bigger picture more any day.
DeleteEach one of us is guilty of bottling up our emotions, sometimes it's from others and sometimes it's from our own-selves... sounds weird, but sometimes we don't even want to acknowledge how we feel. In fact, that's how we stop learning in a way, because our pains and our hurts are gifts, messages etc. They help us evolve. Feelings and emotions are precious.
And once again the faith itself heals everything. So this too shall pass :)