Every time I desire something
It fuels the fire within.
I aim to achieve my goals...
And beyond them... I see nothing.
There is a limit though.
I'm focused but not obsessed
I merely burn like fire on a candle
rather than a house on fire.
I am cherished because I lighten more than just my life
rather than destroying more than mine
I want to be something,
rather, I am encouraged to be, to achieve
I am nothing, but a flame on the wick named desire.
In my last post I wrote about forbidden desires, today I write about the brighter side of desires. Each time you desire something, that you know is good for you, the universe conspires to help you achieve it - that is if you send the correct signals. Having said that, what desires are really worth it?
The first thing I think of when I read my own poem is... a career, however that is not the picture I wish for, though it is a trending image. One must always be careful of what one desires. I say that because the fulfillment of desires is no way linked with happiness. In fact, quite the contrary - the less you desire, the satisfied you are. But it's also true that if you desire wisely, you are benefited. If Buddha hadn't desired to be enlightened, he probably wouldn't have. However had Hitler not desired to be fascist, he wouldn't have died that horribly. Of course, the effects on the world would be extremely different, but that's an external issue. Your desires shape you. Your desires have consequences that you deal with, and sometimes others deal with it as well. Desires are powerful.
Actually, you are powerful because these desires arisen and are fulfilled through you. What you wish for all day long, may actually come true - but when you wish, you neglect the consequences. If you desire to be a millionaire, you may become one... however at the cost of your happiness or something else for that matter. That is why in the olden days they used to say, "be careful what you wish for".
So next time when you desire something, be mindful of the consequences. Are you willing to face circumstances that arise from the fulfillment of your desires? And if you are, is your wish really worth it?
What makes a wish worth it?
Forget about society, forget about that dream job, forget about everything you hold dear... and think. What would you love to have in your life that cannot be measured monetarily? What is that thing you want to do before you die? With the assumption that you've forgotten everything and are about to die - what is it that you want? Nothing matters anymore. Having said that, it all boils down to doing what you love. If you love what you do today, your signals are prominent and crystal clear. There is no higher frequency than love. So love what you desire, and desire what you love.