Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just for today... Don't worry

Each one of us has responsibilities, some towards ourselves, and some towards others. With the stresses of our daily lives, it has become incredibly difficult to be calm and accepting. We constantly have something that occupies our minds. We worry, we fear, we become anxious... and how does that help? Worry doesn't sort things out. Fear doesn't eradicate situations. And anxiety doesn't calm a mind. When we dwell in the present moment, we have no fears, no worries and no anxiety. Because at this moment, nothing is wrong. In this moment, I am still living despite my past and my future. In this minute, if there is a problem there is a solution. In the future if there is a problem, in the future there is a solution - why worry now?

Often this worry, this anxiety, this fear is part of our daily lives because we forget to savor the present. But how to we savor this present moment? There are so many ways! Meditation, monitoring your thoughts throughout the day etc.  However, it is very common that when one meditates with an agitated mind, very little is achieved. It is because when we observe our thoughts, we get carried away... An agitated mind is further agitated when its attempts have failed.

But that doesn't mean that we should give up meditating, or other forms of activities that calm the mind - be it a massage, a reiki session, or anything else. It just mean that we need to simplify our minds before we relax them. An agitated mind is very very hard to relax.

So how do we simplify our minds, our thoughts and allow our minds to relax? The answer yet again is... Acceptance! Acceptance is a wonderful way to tell yourself "yes, I know I worry, I know I'm anxious, I know I'm fearful... but it's okay. With this acceptance towards the way I feel, I wish to let go because today, nothing is wrong. I accept what life brings to me this minute".

When a child is scared, terribly scared, the mother is the one to console him/her. With love, with compassion, with acceptance and without judgement, she is able to tell the child that nothing will happen. And that the child is safe and secure. When an infant cries after waking up, all it needs is to be in a secure embrace - to know that s/he is fine and nothing is going to harm it.

In times of stress, consciously, we are the children and we are the mothers. But in reality our mother is our higher-self/ subconscious mind/ All-That-Is ... whatever it is you believe in! Be it god, be it the inner being, be it the soul, or be it your subconscious mind. And as they say "qué será será"... what will be will be, part of you already knows the outcome subconsciously - so why fret. Be the child, learn to accept how you feel... let it go once you've accepted it, and then surrender to your higher-self, to All-That-Is.

Its all a matter of faith. I do not follow any religion, but I have faith. Faith that tells me whatever happens or will happen has a lesson for me to learn. I can worry about the problem, or I can let go and learn the lesson when it's time... either ways, my free-will will lead me to the lessons I must learn.

So just for today, don't worry. Leave that fear and anxiety behind and savor the now. Every minute you spend worrying is a minute taken away from your life.

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