Tuesday, May 14, 2013

When you can't fall anymore, you can only climb up...

Often we are faced with difficult situations, sometimes they are momentary and sometimes they are prolonged situations. The momentary ones are like one of those days where it rains inexplicably, and ruins plans for the day - but, it's still refreshing. Whereas the prolonged ones are like months and months of rain, with no sun, causing a huge turmoil within. 

Each turmoil is different, each has its own value of teaching. If we didn't have problems we would not have painful experiences that would allow us to appreciate the good and smooth moments of life. Sometimes, we fall into depressions for we feel overwhelmed by situations. And often, these depressions are catalysts for change. Some of us tend to resist change, never acknowledging that change can be for the good too. If good times don't last, bad times don't either... given that, we must acknowledge that whatever changes happen help us develop as a soul. The good times nourish our souls so that we are able to use that as strength to withstand and learn from the bad times. But in reality, there are no "good" or "bad" times, these are just experiences that shape you, and help you evolve as a soul. 

Sometimes a depression is caused by an event, or sometimes by a build-up of several events, either ways it is because we are unable to forgive somebody (may be ourselves or anybody else) or accept situations. And those situations have caused internal chaos of fear, anger and such "lower-vibration" emotions. But because we are dealing with such feelings and emotions, it permits us to go beyond. When you can't fall anymore, you can only climb up. 

Even today, depression is a stigma in society... but it actually is the time one can experience the most amount of growth. It is an opportunity and blessing in disguise. To be able to overcome depression, it is very important to look within and be self-nurturing. Self-nurturing takes forms of acceptance, love, compassion, service, forgiveness and most importantly relief, the minute we stop permitting issues to affect us we grow from them. It may sound easy, but never is. In fact, it may be easier to just continue staying in that state... but it's not worth it. The effort taken to accept and let go is what is required for the soul's growth. 

However, some people take days or months, while other take years but does that mean the growth opportunity is better when you cling to that state? No, not really. It's a matter of being ready. Many people would be aware of the Buddhist proverb "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear", it's some what similar in this case as well. When you feel ready to make the change, your teacher will appear as well - and this applies to any situation in life. And it's okay to not be ready sooner than later. It's okay to savor those moments as well, because until you are fully drowned in those feelings... coming out of them won't make a difference. We humans tend to learn from our feelings and emotions, it is the part of us that connects us to our higher-self. We are meant to experience all sorts of feelings and emotions so intensely that we become unaffected by it. And we can only achieve that state of peace when we remain unaffected by external issues and find refuge in internal joy.

So, whenever you are ready... take that first step. Address the issues that have caused inner turmoil. Talk to yourself, and tell yourself  "I know (these issues) are troubling me within, but I want to give this feeling some love, compassion and most importantly, I want to accept these feelings. And I thank them for giving me the opportunity to grow". Know that as you nurture yourself, you will hurt less. Develop a passion, and enjoy it with your heart when you engage in it. Once you are nurtured, deal with these issues - whatever they may be, and whatever they may need (whether acceptance or forgiveness) and don't associate them to emotions like fear. Always remember, your soul will never choose problems that you are not ready for.  


  1. Seriously, I feel like it's meant to be that I read a certain post of yours at a certain time. It hits home every time, and at the most baffling (in a good way) time.

    There have been many issues I've had trouble dealing with, accepting and most importantly, letting of, in the last 2 years. It's been tough. But I've been pretty hard on myself too. But after reading this, I believe I will be able to nurture myself and be a little easier on myself regarding the mistakes I've made in my past, and the uncontrollable situations I've been privy to recently.

    I am already climbing the ladder of my passion, but I am sincerely confident that I can reach the top. And that my past, my issues and inner turmoil, will no longer be a hinderance in that journey.

    I hope that's the case for you, dear writer :)

    1. I'm glad you relate to it! And yes, things do appear when the time is right.

      As for me, I have to always read and re-read what I write, it gives me the courage to move on and be accepting. I'm on the same journey, in fact this blog will probably map my journey.

      Every time I think I've hit the bottom, I'm proven wrong because I climb up before I can really fall. So, I still have a long way to go to hit the bottom, and when I do this shall be the way I climb up. It has worked once and probably always will.

      The only thing is that I have to learn to drown myself in it so that when I climb again... I do not fall. Sometimes, its a journey that fluctuates. To overcome this fluctuation, drowning in it and savoring it fully is important - because if you don't learn the lesson once, it comes back. Just like a grade you fail, can't move forward until you pass it.

